Creating an Effective Sales Strategy for Business Managers

Business managers have a lot of responsibility when it comes to crafting a successful sales strategy. Learn how to create an effective sales strategy with tips from Loren Padelford.

Creating an Effective Sales Strategy for Business Managers

Business managers have a lot of responsibility when it comes to crafting a successful sales strategy. It is essential to ensure that the team is motivated, inspired, and guided to success in their careers. A sales plan should be created to outline the company's overall strategy, including revenue objectives and how the sales department will meet those objectives. Investing in sales development and team building activities is also important to guarantee that the team feels supported.

Loren Padelford, vice president of Shopify and general manager of Shopify Plus, shared her secret recipe for multiplying sales tenfold in 15 years. She proposed that a self-service SaaS sales model should be used for customers, as this represents the origin of a natural evolutionary path. Additionally, it is essential to listen to customers and make phone calls more of a conversation than a presentation in order to build a longer lasting relationship. Tracking the progress of your sales team and keeping track of your own goals and progress is also important. A CRM can help with this by keeping things organized and delegating tasks and responsibilities on a schedule that uses information from potential customers.

Defining the sales direction of the team is also crucial, as it shows the company's focus and helps the team to focus and execute sales in the most effective way. Finally, templates can be customized however the team manager sees fit, depending on how they think the team will perform better. However, it is important to note that if today's sales teams don't align with the modern buying process and don't add value beyond the information they already have available, they won't have any reason to contact a sales team.