How Managers Can Influence Employee Performance

Managers are essential for any organization's success but only 18% possess the right skills and personality for it. Learn how managers can influence employee performance.

How Managers Can Influence Employee Performance

Managers are essential to the success of any organization, yet only 18% of them possess the right skills and personality to be successful in their role. This is because some managers are simply not cut out for the job, whether they were hired or promoted incorrectly. Even successful managers can fail when it comes to effectively engaging their employees. It is the manager's responsibility to understand how their employees feel and behave. The information gathered from Weekly10 logs can help identify any changes in behavior over time.

The regular cadence and frame also helps build trust, so that employees feel comfortable being honest with their manager. The Weekly10 registry provides a framework for giving feedback that makes a lasting impact. Reviewing employee records shows them that their work is valued. Managers should show their employees that they value their contribution. Specific, timely and honest feedback will lead to gradual changes that help staff develop their skills.

A common reason why people leave their jobs is a lack of development. Understanding the needs of employees and providing professional development opportunities will allow managers to proactively train or guide them through regular bidirectional feedback. Most of the time, the most qualified employees are promoted to management positions. However, just because someone is good at their job does not mean they are a good leader. This makes the influence of managers on employee engagement one of the organization's greatest strengths. Much of the existing literature focuses on the use of incentive pay and often finds that incentives increase performance.

When managers come to work with a deep understanding of how they will use their strengths, they will have better conversations, better performance results, and greater commitment from their team. It is even more difficult if good management is not valued or if the leadership model in an organization is based mainly on authority and personal achievement. This is true regardless of whether it is the manager who gives the opinion of the employees or vice versa. Poor management can lead to worker stress, which can be due to a tense relationship with a supervisor or an unmanageable workload. Comparatively few employees have a close relationship with their human resources team, unlike what they usually do with their manager. A well-designed system includes regular meetings between manager and employee, providing a platform for assigning clear and measurable performance objectives, as well as a mentoring opportunity. While peer recognition tends to have more of an impact on employee engagement than manager recognition, it's important that managers stand up for their own staff.

The effect of management on employee engagement and experience is an important factor in organizational performance, productivity, and individual well-being. Managers should evaluate themselves to see if they make it to the top quarter of managers whose team members rate their relationship with their boss as “very good”. If a manager's organization does not reinforce those behaviors, it's important for that manager to create their own system of signals, routines, and rewards to help consolidate these actions as habits. Confusion or lack of understanding is likely to lead team members to misunderstand what has been asked of them, diminishing their own work performance and generating resentment. Companies are now seeking to evaluate the effects that employers have on the performance of their workers and evaluate the characteristics of the bosses that have the greatest impact.