What are the 5 pillars of effective teams?

The five pillars of a successful team are trust, conflict resolution, commitment, responsibility and results. Trust grows when team members are willing to be vulnerable with each other.

What are the 5 pillars of effective teams?

The five pillars of a successful team are trust, conflict resolution, commitment, responsibility and results. Trust grows when team members are willing to be vulnerable with each other. They must have confidence that the intentions of their colleagues are good and useful. The combination of these 5 pillars is what makes a TEAM EXCELLENT.

Great teams succeed because they all pursue a common purpose. Great teams understand their objective clearly and know what path to take to achieve it. A leader's job is to ensure that each and every member of their team understands the big picture, what their place is, and the impact of their performance on the overall objective. All members of that team work together to achieve their own success and, in turn, that of the company, because they understand that it is nothing more than a single objective.

Shawn pointed out that when one of them is really strong, we overlook everything else. As he said: “A leader had never said that what made us fall were someone's strengths. One of the most shocking sessions I attended was Shawn's presentation on the 5 pillars of a killer team. With TRUST, each member of the team is part of an effective and cohesive group, and will achieve significant objectives.

In this publication, I have taken ideas from Patrick Lencioni's book, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, to explain the 5 pillars that make teams EXCELLENT.